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Saboteur screenshot 4

Pandemic Studios gave us a look at The Saboteur, their upcoming action title that paints us the picture of a Nazi-occupied Paris through the eyes of race car driver, Sean Devlin. As our leading Irish man starts off on a mission to get revenge, you will be able to explore the city of Paris in all its open-world goodness and get the job done. Want fighting, climbing to roof tops, derailing trains or an arsenal of weapons? The Saboteur has that – and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Saboteur runs on the Odin engine, which was built specifically for the game from the ground up and dying to show you what it can do. These screenshots are only a sample of some of the great graphics and art styles this game will deliver, check them out in The Saboteur screenshot gallery.

Read More | The Saboteur screenshot gallery



E 74 ErrorMicrosoft has put a warranty extension on s in the U.S. that received E74 errors, which they estimate to have occurred in about 30% of the units. Referred to as the new Red Rings of Death (RRoD), the problem has been attributed to either the AV cable, a burnt out scaler chip or perhaps the GPU. In addition, the company has said that within the next 4 to 12 weeks, it will automatically refund those who previously paid for an E74 repair. If you don’t get one by July 1, head to Customer Support before November for more info and to place a claim.

Read More | Gamezine

Project Gotham RacingRemi Pedersen, a graphics product manager at ARM, says that by this winter the Mali-200 and Mali-400 processors will allow you to play what looks like an Xbox 360 game on your lowly cell phone. On display at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this week, he will be running Project Gotham Racer, an Xbox 1 title, in Open GL ES, which performs like the original but feature-wise looks like a 360 title.

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Xbox 360 controller soap front

If you’ve always wanted to game while in the shower, this one is an interesting compromise. Digitalsoaps on Etsy has put together a ridonkulous controller soap bar. The best part? It looks awesome. The bar of soap looks just like your typicaly chill-colored Xbox 360 controller, with rised buttons, analog sticks, and control pad. The bar of soap weighs in at seven ounces, and is scented with Mountain Dew fragrance oil - gotta keep it real. You can grab your own Xbox 360 controller soap bar for $12 on Etsy.

Read More | Xbox 360 Replica Soap Bar


Beatles Rock Band

MTV Games and Harmonix have convinced Apple Corps, the Beatles’ music company, to put some of their tunes on Rock Band. Included in the deal will be:

  • The Beatles: Rock Band Software - Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii: $59.99.
  • The Beatles: Rock Band Standalone Guitars - Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii: $99.99.
  • The Beatles: Rock Band Limited Edition Premium Bundle: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii: $249.99.

You can visit the site, but the only info available is the date, so we suppose more information will trickle out eventually.

Read More | DVICE

Expect to see this commercial all over television over the next few weeks. Remember, Street Fighter IV launches on February 17th on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, and from the time we’ve been able to spend with the game, it is going to be epic.


Now that we’re over the holiday hump (i.e. every game imaginable being released at the same time, oh god, why do you do this to me), a lot of sites and publications have been putting together lists of games to look forward to in the new year. Me? Nuh-uh. I don’t have the cash for that. Fallout and Dead Space alone have depleted my gaming funds for a while (not to mention a certain 360 dying enough times for me to wish ill on its relatives), and if you’re like me, you want a cheap alternative until your funds recover. Hell, even if you don’t need it, you can’t pass up a quality gaming experience on the cheap, but being a penny-pinching bastard like myself tends to help heal those imaginary wounds. So, I’ve decided to put together a list of a few old-but-still-awesome games that you can get for slightly less than the cost of a night with your mom, though they’ll probably last far longer.

You may want to note that some of these games are older and may stutter and wobble and spurt blood if you’re running more than Windows XP, so you may want to check your compatibility before you plunk down the green to have them downloaded to your inferior operating system, muahaha. Hit the jump for the rundown.

Click to continue reading Five Awesome Games You Can Play on the Cheap

MLB Manager screenshot

This takes fantasy sports to a whole new level. 2K Sports has released MLB Front Office Manager, a video game with a unique twist. Instead of playing the game, you choose qualities for a general manager, then commence to build a team by scouting and checking out stats. The period of the game starts from the end of the Word Series, just like in real time, and goes through a 30 year career with the GM making behind the scenes decisions. Available today for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Windows Online, the MLB Manager has a MSRP of $39.99.


Read More | 2K Sports

Guitar Hero: AerosmithWalk this way to get a tuneful game for less. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is available this week (or until they sell out) for a mere $24.90. The game features master tracks from the band as well as others chosen by them like Cheap Trick and Joan Jett. It is region free and works on any Xbox 360. Originally released July 2, 2008, grab one quick and show your buds that you truly are the master musician.

Read More | Play-Asia

Xbox Live Gold discountWe are gonna go out on a limb and say this is likely the best gaming deal you’ll see today. Over at Amazon, they are selling the 1-year Xbox Live Gold subscription at just $29.97. That’s a little over $20 off the standard price of $50 that most of us pay on a yearly basis to stay connected to the Xbox Live golden world, or in other words, a full 40% off. If you are nearing the end of your subscription, you’ll wanna grab one, certainly. Heck, I’m gonna pick up a few just so I can stay stocked up. At $30, why not?

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first sale of its kind, as Buy.com was also pulling a similar stunt last week. Could we be seeing the beginnings of an Xbox Live Gold price drop? Maybe?

Your thoughts?

Read More | Amazon
